Docusaurus Plugin Theme

The first step is to install the plugin using your prefered method (npm, yarn, or pnpm).

npm i @trieve/docusaurus-search-theme

Modify your docusaurus.config.js file to include the plugin.

export default {
  // ...
  themes: [
        apiKey: 'tr-********************************',
        datasetId: 'd5d098bd-****-****-****-************',
        defaultSearchQueries: [
          'How to deploy Docusarus',
          'Troubleshooting search',
          'Difference between helm?',
        defaultAiQuestions: [
          'Quickstart Guide',
          'How to swizzle search component',
          'Compiling static assets',
        brandLogoImgSrcUrl: '',
        brandName: 'Trieve',
        brandColor: '#3c8dcc',
        responsive: true,
        debounceMs: 50,
  // ...

The second item in the array is the configuration object for the plugin.

For more props and customization options, see Parameters.