Count chunks above threshold
This route can be used to determine the number of chunk results that match a search query including score threshold and filters. It may be high latency for large limits. There is a dataset configuration imposed restriction on the maximum limit value (default 10,000) which is used to prevent DDOS attacks. Auth’ed user or api key must have an admin or owner role for the specified dataset’s organization.
The dataset id or tracking_id to use for the request. We assume you intend to use an id if the value is a valid uuid.
Query is the search query. This can be any string. The query will be used to create an embedding vector and/or SPLADE vector which will be used to find the result set. You can either provide one query, or multiple with weights. Multi-query only works with Semantic Search and is not compatible with cross encoder re-ranking or highlights.
, semantic
, bm25
ChunkFilter is a JSON object which can be used to filter chunks. This is useful for when you want to filter chunks by arbitrary metadata. Unlike with tag filtering, there is a performance hit for filtering on metadata.
Set limit to restrict the maximum number of chunks to count. This is useful for when you want to reduce the latency of the count operation. By default the limit will be the number of chunks in the dataset.
x > 0
Set score_threshold to a float to filter out chunks with a score below the threshold. This threshold applies before weight and bias modifications. If not specified, this defaults to 0.0.
If true, quoted and - prefixed words will be parsed from the queries and used as required and negated words respectively. Default is false.
x > 0