Generate suggested queries
This endpoint will generate 3 suggested queries based off a hybrid search using RAG with the query provided in the request body and return them as a JSON object.
The dataset id or tracking_id to use for the request. We assume you intend to use an id if the value is a valid uuid.
Context is the context of the query. This can be any string under 15 words and 200 characters. The context will be used to generate the suggested queries. Defaults to None.
Filters is a JSON object which can be used to filter chunks. This is useful for when you want to filter chunks by arbitrary metadata. Unlike with tag filtering, there is a performance hit for filtering on metadata.
The query to base the generated suggested queries off of using RAG. A hybrid search for 10 chunks from your dataset using this query will be performed and the context of the chunks will be used to generate the suggested queries.
, semantic
, hybrid
, bm25
, keyword
, semantic