Get Chunks By Ids
Get multiple chunks by multiple ids.
The dataset id or tracking_id to use for the request. We assume you intend to use an id if the value is a valid uuid.
The API version to use for this request. Defaults to V2 for orgs created after July 12, 2024 and V1 otherwise.
, V2
Timestamp of the creation of the chunk
ID of the dataset which the chunk belongs to
Unique identifier of the chunk, auto-generated uuid created by Trieve
Timestamp of the last update of the chunk
Weight of the chunk, can be any float. Used as a multiplier on a chunk's relevance score for ranking purposes.
HTML content of the chunk, can also be an arbitrary string which is not HTML
Image URLs of the chunk, can be any list of strings. Used for image search and RAG.
Link to the chunk, should be a URL
Location that you want to use as the center of the search.
Metadata of the chunk, can be any JSON object
Numeric value of the chunk, can be any float. Can represent the most relevant numeric value of the chunk, such as a price, quantity in stock, rating, etc.
Tag set of the chunk, can be any list of strings. Used for tag-filtered searches.
Timestamp of the chunk, can be any timestamp. Specified by the user.
Tracking ID of the chunk, can be any string, determined by the user. Tracking ID's are unique identifiers for chunks within a dataset. They are designed to match the unique identifier of the chunk in the user's system.
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